Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Tora! Tora! Tora! Did the Pearl Harbor Attack Have to Happen?

Who hasn't heard the Tora! Tora! Tora! phrase popularized by the movie carrying (or under) the same title or has not seen the film itself is rather a rhetoric question.

The Japanese aerial attack on the American naval military base in Pearl Harbor, HI (Hawaii) on December 7th, 1941 woke up “the sleeping giant”and marked the beginning of the official US involvement in WW II (World War Two or "doublew doublew" two).

We all know how it happened.  This, one of the most tragic and most disastrous catastrophes in American history and at the same time one of the most victorious and most glorious Japanese military operations or battles ever, was depicted by some of the most successful and most popular movie hits like “Tora! Tora! Tora!” or “Pearl Harbor”(movie trailer videos). 

In the United States of America of that era there was an extremely strong opposition to getting directly involved in the war.  It was one thing to “sell American” to the fighting world, it was something else to “keep our American boys home, away from the killing fields” (video). 

Since, for political and, let’s call it, domestic electoral reasons the USA could not enter the war openly and from its own initiative it needed to be dragged into it.  The American pro war movement needed for the country to be attacked (video) to, in the eye of the public, be forced into the war as a defender not an aggressor.  You can watch the black and white documentary from the link above right here at Sacrifice at Pearl Harbor (video).

The rest is the Pearl Harbor attack story (videos) as we “all” know it. 

Let there be peace all over the World!  Peace, Man! (sing along song videos with lyrics)

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