Monday, November 5, 2012

The Final Stretch or Who Will Win US Presidential Elections 2012 Obama or Romney?

Who are you betting on: the Democratic incumbent and the residing President of the USA Barack Obama or the Republican nominee and challenger Mitt Romney? 

Who would you or will you or are going to vote for?  Have you already decided?  Are you still making up your mind waiting for the first ballot reports to help you with the decision?  Have you been following the pre-election public relations game called the Presidential Electoral Campaign? 

What do you think makes the best candidate for this most powerful in the whole wide world office of the President of the United States of America? 

Do you think that the very recent, not as sweet as the name might suggest it, the super or mega hurricane Sandy and its disastrously destructive on the people and the economy force will affect the outcome? 

How about your personal financial situation in the last four years, right now and in the next 4 years?
Do you think the 44th President performed better than anybody else in his position could or could have or would or would have?  Who do you believe will do a finer job for you and for the country of the “brave and proud”? 

How is your employment and pecuniary situation?  Is it better now than before a Democrat took over the highest US post?  Could it or could it have been worse if a Republican was still in the office? 

Who, in your best judgment, will make a better President of the United States of America and will do more for you and the country in the next four years - the Democratic incumbent President Barack Obama or the Republican challenger Mitt Romney?

See ya ... 




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