Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Who Will Win or Who Would Have Won and Who Actually (Has) Won The US Presidential Election 2012 Obama or Romney?

According to the pre-election polls 2012 … .  And how does it compare to the actual results?  We already know it.  The 2012 President of the United States of America has been elected for the next four years.

Who did you vote for or would have if you could?  Do you think the 2012 Presidential election outcome reflects the true position of the American electorate in 2012?  Would you say that the just voted in President is the best person to run this most powerful country in the whole wide World?  Do you think the two-step electoral voting system is in the best interest of the country, its nation and the people?

What, in your, and rightly so, not so humble opinion should be the highest priority on the President’s agenda?  What would it be and what would you do if YOU were elected The President of the United States of America?

See ya …

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